March 08, 2025
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2015 Legislation
2014 Legislation
Health Insurance Protection Bill (HIP) 2014
2013 Legislation
A7479 - Veterans Supplemental Military Retirement Allowances for Members of Public Retirement Systems in NYS
Health Insurance Protection Bill S3627 / A902
2013 Constitutional Convention Bills
2013 Veterans Legislation
2012 Legislation
S4371 / A2007 Health Ins. Protection Legislation for 2012
Constitutional Convention Bills!! 1-20-12
NYS Pension News Articles
Public pension politics must change!! 11-20-2012
New York State's pension fund loses $7 billion in value, says Controller Thomas DiNapoli!! 11-20-2012
$tate "takeover" 8-6-2012
DiNapoli Names Chief Investment Officer for $150.3 Billion State Pension Fund!! 7-27-2012
Despite Reforms, Retirement Costs For Governments Set To Skyrocket!! 3-24-12
Pension madness in Albany!! 2-27-12
Hidden pension costs!! 2-25-2012
Pols pitch pricey pension sweetener!! 2-20-12
N.Y. pensions are worth defending!! 2-22-12
10 injured Newburgh ex-firefighters say pay was illegally cut!! 2-8-12
Mayor nixes union plan to use reserve cash on wages instead of pension!! 2-4-12
Judge ‘tiers’ apart 3% pension kick-in!! 1-28-2012
Lawmakers side with unions against taxpayers!! 1-26-2012
E.J. McMahon: A meaningful new try on pensions !! 1-20-12
New York police, fire pension trustees propose rival management plan!! 1-20-20112
Contribution cap among pension reform ideas!! 1-19-12
NYC Actuary Recommends Lowered Return Rate for Pensions 1-12-12
Don’t play games with NY pensions!! 12-21-11
Cuomo’s challenge!!! 12-30-2011
The Pension System Works!! 11-14-11
More retirements by state workers, teachers in NY!! 11-1-11
Westchester Medical Center, unions clash over projected layoffs!! 10-27-2011
Big Apple pensions' return highest in 26 years!! 10-26-11
New York City pension plan investment boards would consolidate under proposal!! 10-27-11
Pension cost bulges from budget-paring incentives!! 10-24-11
Top politicians will back NY casinos!! 9-19-2011
Pension fund risks in wild market!! 8-19-11
Let Gambling Grow? 8-15-2011
Our View: State pension system still needs changes!! 7-`8-11
Governor Cuomo's Tier 6: Memo of Support 2-11-2011
Governor Cuomo Introduces Pension Refirm Legislation Tier - 6
DiNapoli Proposal Will Catch Pension Abusers
Abbate: Another tier? So Soon? 5-18-2011
Millionaire teachers!! 5-19-2011
Will Cuomo truly fix pensions!! 18-2011
DiNapoli Proposal Will Catch Pension Abusers 5-18-2011
Cuomo to Propose Changes to NYS Pension System!! 5-16-2011
Gov's $93B retirement plan Tier 6
Pension Pain: 4-24-11
Blame it on the Pols!! 4-11-2011
Don't Scapegoat Public Service Workers for Financial Woes! 3-19-11
Pension System is Not Broken! 3-21-11
New Tier 6 Plan!! March 3, 2011
To Save the States
Federal Legislation Allowing States to go Bankrupt!!
Allowing States to go Bankrupt
Alabama Town's Failed Pension is a Warning!!
Pension Explosion 60 minutes 12-19-2010
This bomb just stopped ticking!!!
FDNY Reviews Disabled Retired FF's
NYS & Local Retirement System 2010 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report
A $205 Billion Bomb!!
Governor Christie's Pension Changes
New Jersey Gov. Calls for Huge Pension Reform
Comptroller announces 2012 pension rate increases to cities.
NYS retirement fund contribution rates increase in 2012
States pension loan plan criticized!!
Low pension returns may Soak taxpayers!!!
Battle Looms Over Huge Costs of Public Pensions
NYS Pension System Rated top in the US
Pension System Will Permit Municipalities Borrow Against the Pension Fund
Pension Results Up 26%
Minneapolis Retirees Ordered to Pay Back $76M
AG Cuomo Legislation to Reform the State Pension Fund
Tier 5 PENSION REFORM Legislation Dec. 2009
Legislation to Create a 13-Member Board
OSC Pension Rates from 1979-2009
OSC Pension Update 9-3-09
Pension News Across the USA
Facing Up to America's Pension Woes!! July 25, 2013
Here's How Detroit's Bankruptcy Will Actually Work!! July 19, 2013
Sales Tax Measure to Go on Bankrupt California City's Ballot!! July 10, 2013
Bankrupt Cities Across the US 6-10-13
Stockton, CA bankruptcy trial has big stakes!! 3-26-2013
St. Louis aldermen pass mayor's last firefighter pension bill!! 7-17-2012
Challenge to pension reform moves forward 6-21-12
Illnois Gov. Quinn signs law to end free state retiree health care!! 6-21-2012
Ohio Senate Endorses Massive Overhaul of Pension Systems!! May 17, 2012
Michigan Senate may vote today to dump pensions for new teachers!! 5-17-2012
States scaling back worker pensions to save money !! May 2-2012
States scaling back worker pensions to save money !! 5-1-2012
Why Houston Should Care About Public Pension Reform in Rhode Island!! May 2012
Providence police, fire retirees: 'No choice' but to sue over pension changes!! 5-2-12
Retiree health care changes to save $802 million!! 4-22-12
Illinois governor proposes raising employee pension contributions, retirement age!! 4-20-12
Providence Bankruptcy Seen as Unavoidable on Budget Gap!! 3-28-12
New Ideas on Pensions: Use States!! 3-26-12
Providence begins pension-cut talks with police, fire retirees!! 3-26-12
Courts Block Efforts at Public Pension Change!! 2-15-2012
Firefighters, St. Louis officials target disability benefits!! 3-6-2012
Stockton's Sad Tale!!! 3-1-2012
Mayor defends pension cuts to city’s retirees!! 3-4-12
Retired public employees could see pension checks cut by up to 7 percent!! 3-4-12
Public and private pension plans can't fund retirement!! 2-25-12
Providence retirees may face 73% haircut in bankruptcy!! 2-22-12
Congress Targets Federal Workers for Savings!! 2-22-12
Congress Targets Federal Workers for Savings!! 2-22-12
GOP lawmakers introduce Gov. Jerry Brown’s pension plan — without Brown!! 2-22-12
San Diego tackles municipal pensions!! 2/21/2012
Pension Puffery Here are 12 half-truths that deserve to be debunked in 2012!! 2-7-12
States of Bankruptcy!! 7-30-2011
Mayor: Providence is facing bankruptcy!! 2-2-2012
CalPERS 2011 return below its assumed rate by 6.65 percentage points!! 1-23-12
Rhode Island's Landmark Pension Reforms!! 12-8-11
Lawsuit seeks to invalidate 2 key Ore. Supreme Court decisions for state pension benefits!! 12-5-11
Bankruptcy Rarely Offers Easy Answer for Counties!! 11-10-11
Pension agency for 44M may seek bailout!! 11-15-11
Municipal bankruptcy in Alabama: Will other local governments follow suit? 11-11-11
Fears grow over US pension crisis as Rhode Island's debts are laid bare!! 11-16-11
U.S. Postal Service overpayment money eyed to spur early retirement!! 11-2-11
Facing Downgrade to Junk, California Tries Pension Reform!! 10-28-2011
The Little State With a Big Mess
Montana's public employee pension problem worsens!! 10-11-11
Lawmakers look for pension loophole fix!! 10-12-11
Pennsylvania state capital files for bankruptcy protection!! 10-14-11
R.I. high court is asked to overturn ruling that public employees have a contractual right to pension benefits! !0-5-2011
Rhode Island State Treasurer Raimondo tells Senate pension situation is grave. 9-13-2011
The Costs of COLAs 9-13-2011
States versus public employee unions!! 9-5-11
Across U.S., public unions under fire this Labor Day!! 9-5-11
N.J. unions, public workers sue to stop pension, benefits overhaul!! 9-1-11
Connecticut Workers Approve Contract They Had Rejected!! 8-18-2011
Pentagon Considering Scrapping Traditional Pensions in its Proposed Retirement Program Overhaul!! 8-15-11
Miami Declares ‘Financial Urgency’ as It Moves to Cut Worker Pay, Benefits!! 8-16-11
Faltering Rhode Island City Tests Vows to Pensioners!! 8-13-11
Loss of Bankrupycy Card Would Weaken Cities' Hand!! 8-2-11
Gov. McDonnell Warns of Needed Changes to State Pension Plans!! 7-22-2011
City police, fire disability payments top $8M a year! 7-21-2011
City of Rhode Island Asks Retirees To Sacrifice!! 7-19-2011
A Small City's Depleted Pension Fund Rattles Rhode Island 7-11-11
State, local pension accounting takes GASB step toward transparency 7-8-2011
Atlanta's Pension Debt!!! 7-7-2011
Public pension problem could be shrinking: Survey 6-8-2011
Public employee retirement funds rise, but not enough!! 7-4-2011
California Police & Firefighters Under Attack! 6-30-2011
Two Rulings Find Cuts in Public Pensions Permissible 6-30-2011
PA House Passes Pension Overhaul Bill
N.J. changes pensions & benefits to public workers! 6-21-2011
New Jersey Pension, Benefit Changes Approved!! 6-17-2011
Federal workers late to feel pension pinch!! 5-21-2011
KC's police retirees aren't getting lavish pensions!! 5-14-2011
Federal pension proposals!!! 5-16-2011
MA attacks collective bargaining!! 4-28-11
Nest egg is missing for N.J. public worker retirees: 4-26-11
Editorial: Change pensions for current state workers 4-28-11
RI pension fund in worst shape of all, Pew suggests: 4-26-11
Pew Center on the United States: Wisconsin pension system among most solvent in nation.
The Trillion Dollar Gap Grows Wider! 4-27-11
State Pensions & Retiree Health Benefits: The Trillion Dollar Gap 4-27-11
The Pensions America Can't Afford!! 2-25-11
Health of pension fund depends on confidence!! 4-22-11
Florida governor backs defined contribution shift!!! 4-14-11
Arizona Passes pension reforms!!! 4-19-11
Pawtucket active teachers increase retirees health benefit cost!!
States liability for pensions increases 27% in Rhode Island 4-15-14
Do public employees get a better deal? It depends!!
5 large states, 5 different paths to fix budgets!
Fla. House panel OKs worker pension contributions
House bill to raise retirement age! 3-17-11
Harrisburg's crisis tests Pennsylvania!!! 9-2-11
Health Insurance News Articles
Obamacare Fallout: Memphis Retired Police & Firefighters Left With No Insurance!! 7/17/2014
City Retirees Suing Over Health Benefits 7/2/2014
White Plains Retirees 2/18/2013
Unions, heal thyselves: The perils of ‘free’ health care!! June 24, 2013
Reforming Retiree Rx!!! 9-10-12
Iceberg Ahead The Hidden Cost of Public-Sector Retiree Health Benefits in New York!! 9-5-12
Syracuse faces highest retiree healthcare costs in the state!! 9-5-12
New York’s health-care time bomb!! 9-7-12
North Castle retirees to pay benefit costs!! 7-7-2012
State retirees ask judge to roll back health insurance increase!! 5-24-2012
With fiscal crisis looming, Syracuse officials want workers, retirees to pay more for health care!! 3-19-2012
NY Retiree Group Sues over Increase in Health Benefit Costs!! 12-8-11
NY Unions File Lawsuit Over Retiree Healthcare Increase !! 12-30-11
Andrew & the unions!!! 12-30-11
Bloomberg administration eyes health care hike for city employees, despite unions' resistance: 10-26-11
White Plains wins 1st battle over police retiree benefits!! 7-14-2011
SUNY to hike health costs!~! 5-10-2011
Levy wants county workers to pay for health care!! 5-18-2011
Council 82 deal could be a retiree problem!!
Unfair: City Workers' Health Freebies
NYSHIP premium cost increased!!
White Plains Retirees Win in Fedeeral Court!!
White Plains Retirees May Sue Over Health Benefits!!!
White Plains retirees file court action to save health benefits!!
News Concerns
Broke cities beg Gov dime & dime again!!!
A nation gone Yonkers!!! 9-16-2012
Eye on NY: New coalition to focus on state constitutional reform!! 2-5-12
Day of Reckoning
Lawmakers Resist Bankruptcy for US States 2-15-2011
Tier 6 Proposal May Be on Tap!!!!
The James Zadroga Health & Compensation Act 12/23/2010
Let the failing states Go Bankrupt
Fire Fighter Pay Questioned!
Report: N.Y. faces $205B in unfunded retirement benefits.
White Plains Retirees Win in Federal Court!!
Cuomo Runs for Governor wants a Constitutional Convention
$8 Billion Benefits Bombshell!!!!
Small Step in Pension Reform
Scarsdale PBA Needs Our Help!!!!
Medicare Rates Nursing Homes
Tier 6 / Pension Reform 3-15-2012
State Comptroller Thomas P. DiNapoli Statement on Tier VI * 3-17-2012
Tier 6 / Pension Reform legislation S6735 / A9558 3-15-12
To All PCNY Members 3-15-2012
Landmark bill will save city $22 billion in public employee pension costs!! 3-15-2012
New York Lawmakers Vote to Limit Public Pensions
Tier 5 Pension Reform signed into law: 12/10/2009
Operation Support Our Troops 2015
Dr. Bonnie Eilen - In Charge of OSOT - White Plains, NY
Veteran Affairs
Veteran Affairs "Aid and Attendance Pension!! 8-20-12
USN Ship New York
New York sails to war!! 3-2132012
New hotos of the USN hip New York
USS New York
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COLA for 9/2024 through 8/2025
NYPFRA Constitution and By-Laws
NYS Constitution
Unions Out to Head Off State Constitution Convention That Could Erode Benefits! 11-16-2010
Cuomo Calls for a Constitutional Convention
2010 Legislation calling for a Constitutional Convention
Medicare Reimbursement
Medicare Premiums: Rules For Higher-Income Beneficiaries for 2023
You Must enroll in Medicare when eligible!!
Tier 6 Information
Tier 5 Information
HR-218 Federal Law
2013 HR 218 Qualifications
NYC PBA Opinion
Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act Improvements Oct. 2010
International Treaty on Gun Control!!!
Legal Decisions
City Retirees Suing Over Health Benefits 7/2/2014
Victory Today in Appellate Divsion on what is a 3/4 accident July 17, 2013
White Plains Retired Fire Fighters Loose Abritration!! 2-18-2013
Retired Public Employees Assoc. Court Decision on Health Insurance Contribution!! Dec. 2012
Medicare Reimbursement - State of New York
The United Healthcare Case !!! Feb. 3, 2012
Matter of McGowan v Fairview Fire Dist. Decided on May 13, 2008
Emergency vehicles case!!!
Physician vs. Psychologist
Lockport 207a Benefits
Ridge Road FD 207a Decision
Medicare Part B Reimbursement for Retirees Decided on 11-25-09
NYS Law Reprting Bureau - Offical Reports
Longevity-Newburgh 207a Retirees Win Case
Retired Utica FF's Win In Court
Schenectady Ruling Still a Huge Impact
Gun Owners Update
DOCUMENT: Full text of New York's new gun-control law (called the NY SAFE Act) 2013
Guide to The New York Safe Act for NYS Police
Gun map publishers get support!! 1-10-13
Coalition of Attorneys General Urge Passage of National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity!! May 18, 2012
Sen. Moran and 50 Senators: Second Amendment Rights are not Negotiable!!! July 26, 2012
HR 822 National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act Dec. 2011
United Nations Arms Trade Treaty
Gun Registration & Ownership Tax Bill Introduced in NYS Senate
National Right-to-Carry Bill in US House
Westchester Cnty.Firearm Owners Assoc. Files Federal Lawsuit!!!
Old Federal Legislation Not in this Congress
Big Brother's New Target - Tracking Firearms
H.R. 847 The James Zadroga Act
Mayor nixes union plan to use reserve cash on wages instead of pension!! 2-4-12
H.R. 847: James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010
The HELPS Retiree Act
Federal Legislation to Correct the HELPS ACT
Sports & Recreation
Social Security & Medicare Information
Myth of the $247 Medicare Part B Premium!!
SS Suspends Annual Statements
Filing for Disability 1st Steps!!
Getting Started!!!
Social Security nears 75th anniversary!!
Ten Things to Know About Social Security!!!
Ignore the fear-mongering on Social Security
Recipients screwed by new SS formula.
How To Increase Your Social Security!!
Dental and Vision Program
Dental Benefit
2014 NYS Pension Annual Financial Report
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Governments of the USA
NYS Professional Fire Fighters Association
Yonkers Fire Fighters Local 628
NYS Fraternal Order of Police
Police Conference of New York, Inc.
Liberty Mutual Insurance. Contact agent Michael Adelman at 845 471 6500 extension 53440.
Law Offices Rudolph F.X. Migliore, P.C.
Law Offices of Ann-Margaret Carrozza - Elder Law & Estate Planning
New York Police & Fire Retirees
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